Get to know LeydenJar

About LeydenJar

Modern society needs electric vehicles with longer driving ranges and shorter charging times, smartphones, power tools, and wearables with increased functionality and exceptional battery life, and new and improved technologies to tackle climate change.

LeydenJar Technologies holds the key to this energy-fueled future by enabling the world’s most powerful batteries with radical silicon anodes. With incredibly high energy density, lightning-fast charging, and a low environmental footprint, LeydenJar’s anodes are truly indispensable. The secret lies in ultra-thin, pure silicon battery anodes that enable a lower CO2 footprint with significant cost savings.

Imagine a world where all vehicles are electric and can be charged to full capacity in less than 10 minutes. A world where electric airplanes replace those that run on fuel, and smartphone technologies increase exponentially. This is the world that LeydenJar has been envisioning since its’ founding in 2016.

LeydenJar has raised €70M in venture capital and employs over 70 of the world’s brightest scientists, engineers, and innovators.

Development of LeydenJar

  • Christian Rood and Gabriel de Scheemaker

    Silicon Innovation

    Christian Rood and Gabriel de Scheemaker founded LeydenJar in 2016. The original PECVD production process for silicon anodes was discovered at ECN, a research organization in The Netherlands. The founders recognized the great value that the silane PECVD process could have for the battery industry and launched LeydenJar as a spin-out.

  • Testing a silicon battery in our lab

    Proof of Concept

    Realization of the first tangible proof of concept. A demonstrated proof in pouch cell format was delivered in cooperation with external scientists and in university R&D-labs. This enabled early stage growth.

  • People working in lab

    World Record Energy Density

    LeydenJar demonstrated the highest energy density in the market of 1350Wh/L. Meanwhile, roll-to-roll manufacturability was developed in the GEN2 production tool. These results gained significant market attention, valuable for next steps to market entry.

  • Photo of the Leyden Jar team

    €22m Series A

    Demonstrated high energy density and roll-to-roll production technology gained attention from investors, which resulted of closing a €22m Series A. The final step to first market entry was taken and the organization grew and developed first applications.

  • Leyden Jar plant one

    Opening Plant One

    LeydenJar will open a 70 MWh anode foil production facility in 2027: the LeydenJar Plant One. Construction is scheduled for 2025-2026, production in 2027.

Management Team

Let us introduce you to some of our team members that you will frequently meet at events and conferences. Visit (and follow) our LinkedIn page to see everyone working at LeydenJar.


    Christian Rood

    Co-founded LeydenJar Technologies in April 2016. Christian has a background in high tech venturing and investments.

  • Christiane van der Wateren CFO LeydenJar


    Christiane van der Wateren

    Experienced CFO with 20 years financially leading Philips Consumer Electronics and Lifestyle department.

  • LeydenJar COO Ad de Bekker


    Ad de Bekker

    Long track record in plant design and commissioning, scaling operation and continues improvement of processes and profitability.

  • CCO

    Evan Sanders

    Evan previously worked as Director of Business Development at Sion Power and VP Sales at A123 Systems and Voltaiq.

  • Ashley Cooke, HEAD OF BATTERY


    Ashley Cooke

    Ashley has experience in developing next-gen battery materials, and led the electrolyte and cathode teams of the world’s foremost Li-S company.

  • Ed van de Burg, HEAD OF PRODUCTION


    Ed van der Burg

    Ed is a senior leader in production environments, previously leading research and production teams at Fujifilm for more than 32 years.



    Pavel Kudlacek

    Seasoned professional in thin film processing and coating equipment, and holds a PhD degree in plasma and solid-state physics.


    Ankit Goyal

    Ankit has more than 11 years of experience in materials research for energy conversion and storage applications. He has a Ph.D. in from MNIT Jaipur, India.

  • head of product management

    Ewout Lubberman

    Ewout worked at NPM Capital, a leading Dutch private equity investment firm, and holds a MSc. Applied Physics and a BA. Philosophy.

Our Locations

Production plant of pure silicon anode in Eindhoven

Production Eindhoven

Marinus van Meelweg 2 5657 EN Eindhoven

Man working in lab

Battery Lab Leiden

Emmy Noetherweg 2D 2333 BK Leiden

PlantOne LeydenJar StrijpTX production silicon anode foil Eindhoven


StrijpTX Eindhoven


Few people can say that they made it possible for airplanes to fly on electricity instead of fuel. Or that they have beaten Tesla’s batteries. Or that they built the foundation for phones that never die.

Can we? We sure think so. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but we’re close. We strive for a bright, energy-filled future—one step at a time, with big ambitions in mind.

How do we do this? The answer lies not – as one might expect – in our amazing technology. No. It is found in something more complex and unique: our team, culture, and DNA.

What defines LeydenJar’s culture? We’ve captured it in 5 core values. These core values describe what we feel, think, and strive for.

at leydenjar we

1. Dare to pioneer

2. Question everything – answer with data

3. Own setbacks and success

4. Prioritize action

5. Empower an optimistic future

Supervisory Board

sam van der feltz Supervisory Board of Leydenjar

Sam van der Feltz


Supervisory Board of Leydenjar

Bart riley

A123 Systems, QuantumScape

Supervisory Board of Leydenjar

martin green

Johnson Matthey

Supervisory Board of Leydenjar

simone vooijs

Tata Steel

Our Investors